2016 Life Sciences Outlook

In biomanufacturing, biotechnology, Life sciences, manufacturing, pharmaceutical by GenerisLeave a Comment

There are many changes on the horizon for the life sciences industry. To help pharmaceutical manufacturers navigate the changes ahead Clarkston Consulting has generated the report below to highlight some of the trends and changes that will have the greatest impact on the industry at large. Clarkston Consulting is a leading management, operations & implementation consultancy firm that specializes in the life sciences industry. The report outlines the current state of the industry by looking at the regulatory environment, changes brought on by mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures, serialization challenges and the state of high value biologics, specialty and orphan drugs.  The whitepaper then examines factors that will have the greatest impact on the industry in the years to come and provides insights on how the industry will be able to successfully respond. Explore strategies to overcome the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities in internal manufacturing, external manufacturing, operational excellence, quality management and compliance at the American Biomanufacturing Summit 2016!

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The Future of the Life Sciences Industry

In biomanufacturing, Life sciences, manufacturing by GenerisLeave a Comment

The life sciences industry is evolving on a global scale. Shifting market demands, healthcare reforms and more stringent regulations are presenting new challenges to the industry at large. “In this rapidly evolving landscape, how will you shape the future of your organization?” Clarkston Consulting is a leading management, operations & implementation consultancy firm that specializes in the life sciences industry. To find out more, visit the Clarkston Consulting website or join the conversation at the upcoming American Biomanufacturing Summit 2016 taking place in San Diego in May!

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