eBook: Leading A Multigenerational Workforce

In manufacturing, workforce by Generis1 Comment

Manufacturers are facing unique labor challenges as baby boomers begin to age out of the workforce.  To help us understand the impact of this new workforce dynamic we sat down with Kim Huggins, Partner at CLG to gather her insights on the challenges of leading a multigenerational workforce. For more than 20 years, CLG has helped organizations change by developing leadership capacity and driving performance. CLG works with companies to prepare leaders in how to select key behaviors that are linked directly to business results and then helps leaders develop and deploy change plans that use behavioral data to drive performance and measure progress.  If your goals include– managing costs; increasing productivity and efficiency; improving reliability & maintenance; ensuring safety, health & environmental compliance; encouraging product or process innovation; CLG delivers a measurable solution with speed, flexibility, and control to help companies achieve lasting results. eBook Leading A Multigenerational Workforce Join CLG at the American Manufacturing Summit 2016 taking place next week in Chicago! Don’t forget to stop by Booth #7

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