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A History of Innovation at Mayo Clinic: Interview with Mark Wehde

In innovation, interview, leadership, medical device, medtech, Q&A by Cressida MurrayLeave a Comment

This October, Mark Wehde, Section Head of Technology Development at the Mayo Clinic Division of Engineering, will join us at the American Medical Device Summit in Chicago to talk about how engineers at Mayo Clinic have teamed with physicians for over 100 years to find new ways to better care for their patients. In advance of the summit, we spoke to Mark Wehde about this relationship and the culture of innovation at Mayo Clinic. What does it mean to you to ‘innovate’? For most from my generation, technology has grown up around us. The things we take for granted today were only barely imaginable 30 or 40 years ago. To this day I still find it amazing that I can walk into our lab and make a radio. I can make an ECG monitor. I could make a respiratory monitor. This afternoon. To me, that is one of the singular pleasures of being an engineer – we can make the things we use.

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