Rod Skotty is a veteran helicopter pilot. After leaving active duty in 1985, he joined Lockheed Martin, and became President of the Maritime Helicopter Support Company (MHSCo), a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin, in 2004. MHSCo has provided performance-based logistics support for over 550 Navy helicopters. Worth nearly $5 Billion, MHSCo is the largest logistics enterprise in naval aviation and key to the MH-60 enjoying the highest readiness and lowest cost per flight hour in the Navy’s inventory. MHSCo has been recognized as a superior supplier to the Navy since 2014. Rod has worked within the defense industry worldwide, including senior management positions for Lockheed Martin in the U.S., U.K., and Canada while residing in those countries. He now lives and raises beef cattle on his farm in upstate New York.
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