Benchmarks and Best Practices for Next-Generation QMS

In automation, biomanufacturing, biotechnology, compliance, global quality system, medical device, pharmaceutical, QMS, quality, Quality Management System by Alicia CheungLeave a Comment

In a recent study conducted for Pilgrim,  quality and compliance professionals from the top 2,000 Pharmaceutical, BioTech, Medical Device, and Combination Product companies were surveyed on the “state of the state” of the business, regulatory, and technology landscape of their current quality management systems (QMS). This research provides fresh insights into the state of quality and compliance management in the Life Sciences industry, as well as quantitative data which demonstrates that many Life Sciences companies are preparing for or embracing Next-Generation Quality Management practices.

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Whitepaper: Smart Quality Management, Industry 4.0 and Quality Management Systems

In compliance, Industry 4.0, medical device, medtech, Quality by design, Quality Management System, Smart Factory by Cressida MurrayLeave a Comment

In order to remain competitive in the rapidly-evolving Industry 4.0 landscape, most companies will be required to make technological changes. In the medical device industry, there are a number of unique considerations this technological change presents. This whitepaper, written by Pilgrim Quality Solutions and produced by Generis, explores the impact Industry 4.0 will have on the medical device industry, and how to make the shift to ‘Quality 4.0’. It explores areas where medical device manufacturers should focus investment; the impact on product validation and regulatory and quality compliance; and how Quality Leaders can embed operational quality into risk processes that are outside of traditional QMS. View the whitepaper to explore: Industry 4.0 – What is Industry 4.0 and What is Driving it – The Smart Factory, Cyberphysical Systems, and the Internet of Things – Effect on Products and Processes Implications for the Medical Device Industry – Focus on Digital Technologies – Data Security – Investing in Change Impact on Validation, Regulatory & Quality Compliance – Validating Smart Products – FDA Guidance – Understanding the Quality Impact of the Smart Factory – Embedding Quality in the Value Chain How to Move Toward Smart Quality Management – The Need for Automated, Operational Quality Risk Management – How Quality Leaders Can Gain Organizational Support for Quality 4.0 Initiatives – Quality 4.0 Investments to Support Industry 4.0 – Strategic Objectives   Smart Quality Management, Industry 4.0 and Quality Management Systems

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