Q&A eBook with Bossard: How Will Industry 4.0 Impact Your Supply Chain?

In innovation, Internet of Things, logistics, manufacturer, manufacturing, manufacturing operations, marketing, Q&A, quality, system design, technology by GenerisLeave a Comment

Previously many of these technologies were emerging on their own, but not considered collectively. With a recent push toward an integrated approach, the Internet of Things, the focused effort is much more clear. While efforts are being made to allow technologies to be more interchangeable and data non-exclusive, much of the progress thus far has been disjointed….

This Q&A eBook with Bossard, published by the Generis Group, highlights Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things, full inventory transparency, and more!

Bossard creates solutions that enable you to achieve higher productivity while helping you to surface your potential. Connect with Bossard at our American Supply Chain Summit taking place April 24-25th in Orlando, FL.

Read the full eBook below:


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