Siemens AX4 logistics platform keeps business on track

In logistics, manufacturing, supply chain, Uncategorized by GenerisLeave a Comment

As a provider of integrated logistics services in the railway industry, DB Cargo Logistics is responsible for managing the complete transport chain of its customers. To meet the highest customer expectations, DB Cargo Logistics wanted to implement a SCM solution that enables seamless, end-to-end monitoring of rail transports involving various rail carriers.

As a leading provider of innovative sorting products, technology, and solutions, Siemens Postal, Parcel & Airport Logistics (SPPAL) proved its AX4 cloud-based logistics platform to keep DB Cargo on track.

Siemens AX4 logistics platform brought many layers and levels of operation together for DB Cargo Logistics, including:

  • Mapping train, railcar and container structures
  • Defining schedules rail freightservices
  • Import of real-time tracking data from all logisticspartners
  • Tracking information for their entire rail network

The company-wide integration resulted in improved routes for many prominent automotive customers, and more reliable processes and smooth workflows with lower management. Additionally, AX4 is offered as a cloud solution, so there is no need for on-site installation.

The Siemens AX4 platform has become a critical tool for the retention of DB Cargo Logistics customers, and a way to help DB Cargo successfully boost daily efficiency, quality, and performance.

To find out how you can manage your complete supply and delivery chain with one click, visit  for more information.

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