The Digitization of Manufacturing: A Framework for Transformation

In 3D printing, additive manufacturing, composites, emerging technology, IoT, manufacturing, mfg, technology by GenerisLeave a Comment

  Technology plays a major role in efficient manufacturing and the early adoption of emerging technologies can lead to a significant competitive advantage.  As a result many manufacturers are looking towards digitization to drive profitability and maintain competitiveness. Cognizant, a leading provider of information technology, consulting and business process outsourcing services, has generated the in-depth whitepaper below to help guide manufacturers on their journey to digital transformation. The whitepaper looks at the challenges and opportunities that manufacturers face in the current environment and cites several industry examples to highlight how innovative manufacturers, such as Mercedes-AMG and Dow Chemical, are using technology to enhance their productivity and efficiency.  In the whitepaper Cognizant defines the four mandates that should be adopted by manufacturers seeking to take advantage of emerging technologies and outlines a practical transformation road-map that is built on their digital maturity framework. To hear more from Cognizant, join the discussion at the American Manufacturing Summit 2016 taking place on February 29th – March 1st in Chicago!  

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