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GDP for APIs New Regulations

In biomanufacturing, pharmaceutical, Quality Management System, Quality System Management, supply chain by Alicia CheungLeave a Comment

The Shift to Monitoring BioPharma Product Quality Throughout Their Lifecycle For years, pharmaceutical manufacturers have talked about the last mile. With mail order pharmacies, direct to pharmacy/patient channels, and things like orphan drug clinical trials, the last mile can be complex yet largely unregulated. The other end of the pharmaceutical supply chain, the inbound supply of ingredients, has received more solid guidance from regulators. In 2000, major markets including the EU and US supported the ICH Q7 initiative by publishing their own guidelines specifically for GMP for APIs. Although GMP guides have included some elements on storage and distribution, the only GDP focused guide was the WHO Guide on GTDP for Pharmaceutical Starting Materials until recently.

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Case Study: How Lundbeck uses ELPRO cold chain monitoring solutions to streamline processes

In biomanufacturing, pharmaceutical, supply chain by Alicia CheungLeave a Comment

Project Partner Lundbeck is a global pharmaceutical company highly committed to improving the quality of life of people living with psychiatric and neurological disorders. For this purpose, Lundbeck is engaged in the research, development, production, marketing and sale of pharmaceuticals across the world. The company’s products are targeted at disease areas such as depression, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Project As a large R&D organization with clinical sites around the world, Lundbeck needed a cold chain monitoring solution that streamlined end to end processes communicating temperature data that would ensure successful clinical trial progression and cost-effectiveness. In addition, it was their priority to meet new GDP requirements to demonstrate control during transport by collecting data and having an auditable database.

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