Be the Customer of Choice: How to Get Suppliers Working with You, Not Against You

In aerospace, automotive, manufacturing, operational excellence by GenerisLeave a Comment

In today’s economy, resources are limited – and that includes the shrinking pool of elite suppliers who can make or break your organization’s brand and product standing. More than ever, businesses must work to earn their spot on a short list of preferred customers to the best and brightest in the market.  With the right partnerships, your organization stands to learn, grow, and evolve into your next big opportunity. This whitepaper by Intelex explores the following 3 tactics that are critical to a successful supplier partnership:

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Webinar: ISO 9001:2015: An Implementation Perspective

In manufacturer, manufacturing, QMS, quality, Quality by design, Quality Management System, Quality System Management by GenerisLeave a Comment

Is your organization ready for ISO 9001:2015? Have you begun preparing to transition or get certified to the new standard? This webinar by Intelex Technologies features Peter Merril, one of North America’s foremost authorities on the implementation of ISO 9001. Peter shares his expertise and insights on how to proactively jump-start your transition. The webinar topics discussed include: An outline of the structure of the new ISO 9001:2015 standard; Discussion of interpretations and new terminology; and Practical tips to help organizations transition and meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Watch Now Below!

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