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Disrupt or Be Disrupted: Navigating your IoT Digital Transformation Journey to Mitigate Risk and Deliver ROI

In automation, Digital Transformation, IoT, manufacturing by Alicia CheungLeave a Comment

In a world of connectivity, the future of industrial automation is now. Over the last 20 years, automation in manufacturing has transformed factory floors and opened up a new era in manufacturing – one in which humans and machines increasingly work side by side. Between 2018 and 2020, the number of connected devices in the manufacturing industry will double, market analysts say, disrupting every part of the production process from development to supply chain management. Prior to the American Manufacturing Summit, we spoke with Shoplogix to discuss this disruption, the effects of automation on manufacturing, and the future of the industry. In this eBook, we explore how industrial automation is changing the manufacturing landscape; what manufacturers need to do to unlock the value of data from the production floor all the way up to the C-Suite; how organizations can leverage IoT to create a more efficient manufacturing process; and the benefits of implementing a performance management solution. Industrial automation is changing the manufacturing landscape with digital leading the road to transformation. Industrial automation takes investment. Starting down the path of digital transformation can help manufacturers justify capital investment by identifying the amount of lost production and the potential capacity increases they need to justify the automation projects they so desperately want to deliver. Having an IoT Smart Factory platform can help justify these projects and ensure they are acquired for. Click through to access the full e-Book here.

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Smart Factory Transformation: Tips from Arconic, Raytheon, DARPA and Forcam

In aerospace, automation, manufacturing, Smart Factory by Cressida MurrayLeave a Comment

At the 2016 American Aerospace & Defense Summit, Forcam’s Director of Business Development, John Mack, discussed the Smart Factory Transformation Checklist with our panel of aerospace & defense thought leaders, who have witnessed transformations in their own organizations. Read on to hear the lessons they have learned along the way, including how to achieve buy-in, what to automate, how to start your transformation, aligning your smart factory transformation to your business goals, and what metrics to pay attention to. Panel: John Mack, Director of Business Development, Forcam Jan Vandenbrande, Program Manager, DARPA J. Wade Keith III, Quality & Mission Assurance Staff Executive, Raytheon Missile Systems Markus Heinimann, VP, Engineered Product & Process Technology, Arconic

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Whitepaper: Smart Quality Management, Industry 4.0 and Quality Management Systems

In compliance, Industry 4.0, medical device, medtech, Quality by design, Quality Management System, Smart Factory by Cressida MurrayLeave a Comment

In order to remain competitive in the rapidly-evolving Industry 4.0 landscape, most companies will be required to make technological changes. In the medical device industry, there are a number of unique considerations this technological change presents. This whitepaper, written by Pilgrim Quality Solutions and produced by Generis, explores the impact Industry 4.0 will have on the medical device industry, and how to make the shift to ‘Quality 4.0’. It explores areas where medical device manufacturers should focus investment; the impact on product validation and regulatory and quality compliance; and how Quality Leaders can embed operational quality into risk processes that are outside of traditional QMS. View the whitepaper to explore: Industry 4.0 – What is Industry 4.0 and What is Driving it – The Smart Factory, Cyberphysical Systems, and the Internet of Things – Effect on Products and Processes Implications for the Medical Device Industry – Focus on Digital Technologies – Data Security – Investing in Change Impact on Validation, Regulatory & Quality Compliance – Validating Smart Products – FDA Guidance – Understanding the Quality Impact of the Smart Factory – Embedding Quality in the Value Chain How to Move Toward Smart Quality Management – The Need for Automated, Operational Quality Risk Management – How Quality Leaders Can Gain Organizational Support for Quality 4.0 Initiatives – Quality 4.0 Investments to Support Industry 4.0 – Strategic Objectives   Smart Quality Management, Industry 4.0 and Quality Management Systems

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Automation Today

In automation, design, design engineering, facility, machined parts, manufacturer, manufacturing, manufacturing operations, marketing, technology, workforce by GenerisLeave a Comment

As manufacturers struggle to fill highly skilled production positions—according to NAM (National Association of Manufacturers), “80 percent of manufacturers report a moderate or serious shortage of qualified applicants for skilled and highly skilled production positions”—technology may need to step in to fill the gap. As the article “Automation Today” by FARO Technologies states: “It’s no secret that manufacturing continues to become more automated, and manufacturing output per worker is on the rise.” Smart factories are sought after because they are quickly becoming the “factories of the future,” while growing changes in automation become difficult to ignore. Find out more about the latest advancements in optical 3D measurement and automation technology in the article below including: Advanced Manufacturing; Automated Metrology; and Cobalt.

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