Managing Your Cold Supply Chain to Ensure Your Vaccinations Get to Where They’re Needed Most

In biomanufacturing, Generis, generis group, healthcare technology, innovation, Life sciences, logistics, manufacturing, mfg, pharmaceutical, production efficiency, supply chain, technology, testing by GenerisLeave a Comment

World Courier is transporting Zika diagnostic test kits to and from South America. Companies trust us to transport and store time- and temperature-sensitive products, and the urgent and sensitive Zika diagnostic test kits are no exception! In the midst of concerns, especially for the well-being of athletes, World Courier’s capability and expertise are another reason to have peace of mind. The Zika virus was a huge fear for the 2016 Olympic summer games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In the white paper below, World Courrier explains the process and challenges of transporting Zika tests for the 2016 Olympic games to ensure the safety of the Olympic athletes and those attending. Take a look at the full white paper below!

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