The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) or Industry 4.0 as some call it is all about real-time data that can be shared by Operators and Engineering, Production and Management teams to improve productivity and ultimately profit.
To do that, every machine, whether old or new, must be embraced as a node on the corporate network. Once that connectivity occurs data starts flowing. Everyone on the shop floor right up to the top floor can take advantage of dashboard reports on any Web-enabled device to check the status of single or multi-plant operations to any level of detail they require.
We asked Memex, what is your advice to manufacturers who are trying to stay ahead of their competitors in such a fast-paced industry, especially in the IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) era?
It’s important to understand that data-driven manufacturing doesn’t have to be a cumbersome, lengthy or expensive custom IT project. We’re now to the point where a zero programming tool-kit approach can make this happen in a few weeks. Ironically, the biggest obstacle is no longer technology, or budget. The ROI is well documented and your competitors may already be enjoying this competitive advantage. The chief obstacle is human – the willingness to both receive and act on objective data as it’s presented in real-time. Continuous Improvement becomes ingrained in each and every shift.
Learn more about harnessing the power of IIoT in Memex’s ebook, here.

The award-winning MEMEX smart manufacturing tool-kit makes the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industry4.0 come alive on the factory floor. MERLIN Tempus is the tool-kit’s software foundation. It equips industrial machines with the necessary interfaces for data-driven manufacturing, then presents that data in Web-enabled dashboard reports so machine operators, factory managers, engineers, production managers, continuous improvement managers and senior management can work together to dramatically improve productivity and profit. MERLIN Tempus delivers a 10%-50% average productivity increase, earns 20%-plus profit improvement based on just a 10%increase in Overall Equipment Effectiveness, achieves payback in less than four months with an Internal Rate of return greater than 300%, and ensures no machine is left behind – connecting them with MTConnect, other protocols, or MERLINhardwareadapters for older machines. Combined with MERLIN Tempus, MEMEX’sContinuous Improvement Fast-Track Services reveal ongoing factory productivity gains and ROI for years to come. To learn more, please visit
Join the conversation about the future of manufacturing at the 2018 American Manufacturing Summit on March 27th – 28th in Lombard, IL. American Manufacturing Summit.