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Tomorrow’s Medicine: Curing One Patient at a Time

In biomanufacturing, business, Generis, generis group, manufacturing, mfg, value chain by GenerisLeave a Comment

You know that tomorrow’s medicine is personalized. With more than 8,100 active cell therapy studies and 1,300 active gene therapy studies underway now, you’re changing the way patients will be treated. To achieve the best clinical outcomes, the living cells and biological samples you develop or treat must be transported to patients on time and under the most rigorous product and stability specification. Anything less than perfect is unacceptable. The World Courier eBook below highlights the logistics challenges of gene and cell therapies. Download the full eBook below for more information! 

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eBook: Q&A with Brandon Varnau, Vice President and Head of Operations Quality, Sanofi Specialty Care

In biomanufacturing, biotechnology, cGMP, Continuous Improvement, facilities, Life sciences, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, Qbd, QMS, Quality by design by GenerisLeave a Comment

Our next eBook features industry insights and forecasts from Brandon Varnau, Vice President and Head of Operations Quality at Sanofi Speciality Care, one of the key speakers at the American Biomanufacturing Summit 2016. We asked Brandon: How biomanufacturing in the U.S. differs from international operations? What are the biggest challenges biomanufacturers currently face? How can these challenges be overcome? What is the biggest opportunity in biomanufacturing? What do you foresee as the ‘next big trend’ to influence biomanufacturing? What major changes to you forecast the industry undergoing over the next 5-10 years? eBook Q&A with Brandon Varnau Brandon joins the speaker line up in San Diego this May to discuss strategies to Create a Quality Compliance Culture Within Biomanufacturing Facilities: Aligning manufacturing and quality objectives to ensure compliance Developing clear compliance expectations for all staff Empowering staff to proactively engage in a culture of compliance Examining various channels and knowledge sharing platforms to communicate compliance practices Find out more about the sessions, case studies and key themes to be addressed at the American Biomanufacturing Summit 2016!

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