Precise Engineering, Quality Construction: How World Class Facilities Get Built

In design engineering, facilities, manufacturing, Plant Location, Plant Optimization, site location by Cressida MurrayLeave a Comment

The Austin Company has been serving the manufacturing industry for over 140 years. Today, they continue to provide state-of-the-art facility and equipment design and construction solutions for manufacturers of a wide range of products, including aerospace and automotive, chemical processing, food processing, and laboratory facilities. In advance of our American Manufacturing Summit, we interviewed Matt Eddleman, a Senior Vice President at The Austin Company and asked him the following: How have manufacturing facilities evolved in recent years? What are some notable projects you have worked on over the years with The Austin Company? What was a particularly challenging project you worked on and how did The Austin Company overcome the challenges you were presented with? What do you think is unique about the way The Austin Company operates or approaches a project? What are the main goals you seek to achieve when taking on a project? How do you go about doing this? How do you align site selection and design with a client’s strategic goals? What in-house subject matter expertise does The Austin Company have and how does that help create complex facilities unique to specific industries or products? Click through to read the entire interview.

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Presentation: Metal Powder, Aerostructures, and Additive Manufacturing

In 3D printing, additive manufacturing, aerospace, Generis, innovation, manufacturing, product development, technology by GenerisLeave a Comment

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is the process of synthesizing a three-dimensional object. The object is created using sequential layers of material, formed under computer control. Additive manufacturing is really the process of the future, as it can be used across industries. The Hoeganaes Corporation is on the forefront of innovation when it comes to additive manufacturing, as Hoeganaes has created AncorAM, a new family of products focused on high-tech materials for additive manufacturing. Hoeganaes is also: The world’s largest manufacturer of sintered components and a leading producer of metal powder. A leading tier one supplier of Aerostructures and engine products and systems to the global aerospace industry. The leading tier one supplier of automotive driven systems and solutions to the world’s leading vehicle manufacturers. A leading supplier of powder managements products and solutions for agriculture, construction, mining, and industrial equipment. See the full presentation below for more information about the Hoeganaes Corporation and these manufacturing processes.

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