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The Future of Manufacturing – with SwipeGuide CEO Willemijn Schneyder

In interview, manufacturing by Alicia CheungLeave a Comment

SwipeGuide Co-Founder and CEO, Willemijn Schneyder, shares what’s next in manufacturing technology: Willemijn, thanks so much for the interview. What about your work excites you the most? We’re really excited about what’s happening in the industry today. The manufacturing and heavy machinery industries are moving away from a human-powered, mechanical workforce to become an automated shop floor with tech-savvy workers. Any company’s goal is to be competitive in a connected, data-driven, and ultimately more productive world. But as technology evolves, they’re left with very real problems. Obsolete hardware, difficulty capturing and sharing knowledge, and integration with a new generation of workers all cause major issues for modern businesses.

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Digital Manufacturing Strategies, Analytics, the Labor Shortage and the Leadership Gap

In Digital Transformation, interview, leadership, manufacturing, Q&A by Alicia CheungLeave a Comment

An Interview with TBM Prior to the American Manufacturing Summit 2019, Generis Group spoke with TBM Consulting to discuss merging digital technologies in manufacturing and the industry’s labor shortage. In this Q&A, we discuss how manufacturers prepare for, evaluate and implement digital solutions, the digital collection issue, machine maintenance programs, and the manufacturing industry’s labor shortage and leadership gap. This is an excerpt from the interview we did with TBM Consulting: “Emerging digital technologies are upending production and supply chain practices and promising a range of new capabilities for manufacturers. How should manufacturers evaluate and implement such solutions?

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Process Based Leadership

In interview, leadership, manufacturing, Q&A by Alicia CheungLeave a Comment

Prior to the American Manufacturing Summit 2019, we spoke with Competitive Solutions to discuss their Process Based Leadership model. This Q&A e-book explores the challenges manufacturers face when implementing transformation, what steps manufacturers need to take in order to implement transformation, and the benefits of leveraging Competitive Solutions’ Process Based Leadership model. This is an excerpt from the interview we did with Competitive Solutions: “What challenges do companies face in implementing transformation? The number one challenge companies face in implementing change is transformation is not starting with the leadership team. CSI prefers to work first with the leadership of an organization to ensure they have the skills necessary to “lead by example” and mentor the general population of employees. Our deployment approach is a “Level Based” and pragmatic process. Launching with the Site Leadership Team and building both ownership and capability within the team, validating team progress and proficiency, and then migrating the deployment to the next level within the organization has been the hallmark of CSI’s success. Keeping the implementation simple, succinct, and sustainable have proven to be the keys to CSI’s organizational transformation success.” Click through to access the full e-book here.

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An Interview with TBM

In interview, manufacturing, Q&A, supply chain by Alicia CheungLeave a Comment

Responding to Demand Changes, the Impact of Tariffs, Analytics Capabilities, and the Most Effective S&OP Practices Ahead of the American Supply Chain Summit 2019, we spoke with TBM Consulting to discuss the impact of tariffs, responding to demand changes, analytics capabilities, and the most effective S&OP practices. In this Q&A, we address the most pressing supply chain challenges manufacturers are dealing with today, the impact of trade tariffs with the United States and other countries, and how the S&OP demand planning process can be improved. Here is an excerpt from the interview we did with TBM Consulting: “What are the most pressing supply chain challenges that manufacturers are dealing with today? What are the most effective tactics for addressing those challenges?

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Manufacturing Technology

In interview, IoT, manufacturing, Q&A, technology by Alicia CheungLeave a Comment

Q&A with Contec In March 2019, Contec joined over 250 industry peers to exchange ideas around the impact of market dynamics and new technologies for current and future manufacturing, operations and supply chain leaders. Ryan Legg, VP of Industrial Solutions at Contec Americas, presented on the Strategy. His discussion focused on effective data that can enhance productivity coming from legacy technology; connecting legacy systems to Industry 4.0 deployments; and examples of legacy system connectivity. Ahead of the American Manufacturing Summit 2019, we spoke with Ryan to discuss technology in the manufacturing industry. In this Q&A, we examine Contec’s solutions; how manufacturers can leverage IoT to reduce cost, enhance efficiency and increase bottom line; and what the manufacturing landscape will look like in 5-10 years. Here is an excerpt from the Q&A we did with Ryan Legg: “How can manufacturers leverage IoT to reduce cost, enhance efficiency and increase bottom line? IoT can mean many things to different people. While we use the term IoT – which technically translates to Internet of Things – the concept is really about connectivity and visibility, whether you have a system that is truly connected to the Internet or an on-prem system. Value can be realized with both approaches. Collecting and analyzing data allows an organization to gain visibility where they did not have it before. A manufacturer may discover previously unknown bottlenecks in their process or that throughput is slowing on one particular shift. They …

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Augmented Reality in Manufacturing

In interview, manufacturing, Q&A, Uncategorized by Alicia CheungLeave a Comment

Q&A with Librestream Dan Flynn has 20 years of experience in sales and business development at companies ranging from early stage high growth to global corporations. At Librestream, Dan is responsible for North American Sales. His experience includes Networking, Security, Hosting, Video, Enterprise and SaaS software platforms, and Big Data. In March 2019, Dan will join industry leaders at the American Manufacturing Summit to discuss the impact of market dynamics and new technologies for current and future manufacturing, operations and supply chain leaders. Drawing from his own expertise, Dan will lead a Lunch & Learn session on “Digitize Your Workers’ Day with Augmented Reality and Wearables: Deployment Examples and Business Outcomes”. His session will cover the benefits of digitization and augmented reality (AR), the different types of wearables available to manufacturers and the outcomes of implementing AR into an organization. This is an excerpt from the Q&A with Dan Flynn: “What are the main drivers for organizations deploying augmented reality? When it comes to organizations investing in digital transformation technologies like augmented reality (AR), there are three main trends we are seeing in the manufacturing market. The first trend focuses on the digital ecosystem of smart factories. Nowadays, factories are well equipped with better wireless coverage and many organizations have the devices needed, such as smartphones and wearables, to start deploying AR. The second factor is the shift in service demands. This, in turn, puts more demand on the manufacturing …

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How Collaboration Yields Superior Facility Design: Optimizing Planning, Procurement and Implementation Management

In facilities, interview, manufacturing, Q&A by Alicia CheungLeave a Comment

Prior to the American Manufacturing Summit 2019, we spoke with St. Onge to discuss their Lunch & Learn topic, “How Collaboration Yields Superior Facility Design: Optimizing Planning, Procurement and Implementation Management”. In this Q&A, we discuss the greatest challenges with national, domestic and international manufacturing operations, what manufacturers should stop doing to improve their performance plans, and what today’s manufacturing leaders need to think about in order to plan for tomorrow. This is an excerpt from the Q&A Generis did with St. Onge: “Your Lunch & learn topic at the American Manufacturing Summit will focus on how collaboration yields superior facility design, as well as how manufacturers can optimize planning, procurement and implementation management. What is one key takeaway you want to leave attendees with?

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Data Driven Innovation for Manufacturers

In innovation, interview, manufacturing, Q&A, technology by Alicia CheungLeave a Comment

Q&A with ProSensus Prior to the American Manufacturing Summit 2019, we spoke with ProSensus to discuss data-driven innovation and how leveraging technology can give manufacturers a competitive edge in an ever-changing landscape. In this eBook, we discuss how manufacturers can achieve their big data objectives with multivariate analysis, how they can leverage their data to accelerate their product development efforts, and how they can achieve quality control with machine vision. This is an excerpt from the Q&A Generis did with ProSensus:

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The Effects of Customer Service and Effective Supplier Communication on the CMO-Client Relationship

In interview, pharmaceutical, Q&A by Alicia CheungLeave a Comment

Q&A with Aphena Pharma Solutions The future of outsourcing is brighter than ever as pharmaceutical companies continue to rely on contract manufacturing organizations (CMOs) for their manufacturing needs. This move allows pharma companies to focus on their core business, especially marketing and R&D, which can reduce costs, cut down time-to-market, and increase bottom line, while relying on external manufacturing experts to provide fast and cost-effective drug development. But in a time when two-thirds of pharmaceutical manufacturing is outsourced, price, quality and capability rarely separate the players in the market. Instead, what differentiates the competition is service. Pharmaceutical companies and CMOs are increasingly evolving their relationship from one-dimensional product outsourcing into comprehensive partnerships that center around one major theme: customer service. Following the American Pharma Outsourcing Summit 2018, we spoke with Eric Allen, Executive VP of Sales & Marketing; Bob Scott, President of Operations; and Paul Glintenkamp, Director of Business Development at Aphena Pharma Solutions to address the effects of good customer service and effective supplier communication on operations and outcomes, and to help pharmaceutical companies and CMOs get the most out of their manufacturing relationship.

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Aerospace & Defense Controlled Conditions Facilities

In aerospace, facilities, interview, Q&A by Alicia CheungLeave a Comment

Q&A with The Austin Company’s Donna Lorenzen, PE Prior to the American Aerospace & Defense Summit 2018, we spoke with Donna Lorenzen, Chief Mechanical Engineer at The Austin Company to discuss controlled conditions facilities and best available technologies in the aerospace & defense industry. Donna’s experience in the design and engineering of facilities for the industry is considerable and current. With over 27 years of professional experience in the design and engineering of mechanical systems for aerospace and defense industry facilities, 24 years have been with The Austin Company. This is an excerpt from the Q&A Generis Group did with Donna Lorenzen.

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