Pharma Supply Chains: Transitioning to the Modern World of Data Monitoring and Analysis

In biomanufacturing, pharmaceutical, supply chain by GenerisLeave a Comment

In the world of pharmaceutical supply chains, where cost reduction is king and a growing number of products are temperature-controlled – collecting, communicating and analyzing temperature and logistics data is critical to success. If data is the foundation of business intelligence, why are Pharma companies still using old practices for data analysis – reviewing data by hand, doing manual entries and archaic reporting methods? All of these outdated practices and long processes create human error and surging hidden costs. Today, all of the important temperature data and automation tools are at the industry’s fingertips, so why not use them?

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Addressing the Challenges Facing the Biomanufacturing Industry in the Next Five Years

In biomanufacturing, biotechnology, capacity management, pharmaceutical by Cressida MurrayLeave a Comment

Last year, at the American Biomanufacturing Summit, we sat down with some thought leaders from MedImmune, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Takeda, Celgene, and Portola Pharmaceutical and asked them: “What do the Next Five Years Look Like in the Biomanufacturing Industry?” Most agreed that it will be an exciting time with new product modalities improving patient care, but that these new product modalities will give rise to new challenges in capacity and raw material sourcing, as well as talent recruitment and management. We asked them to go further and tell us what key challenges organizations need to overcome to be successful in this period of unprecedented change.

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Video: Christopher Murphy’s Experience At The American Biomanufacturing Summit

In biomanufacturing, biotechnology, cGMP, Continuous Improvement, cost management, cost reduction, Enterprise Excellence, innovation, Life sciences, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, Qbd, QMS, traceability, workforce by GenerisLeave a Comment

At the American Biomanufacturing Summit last May we had the opportunity to sit down with one of our key speakers, Christopher Murphy, VP, Operations at Genzyme to hear his thoughts on participating as a speaker and on the summit as a whole. The American Biomanufacturing Summit is returning to the Hyatt Regency La Jolla in San Diego on May 10th – 11th, 2016.  To find out more about the two day summit taking place next month, visit:

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