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Performance Behavior: the Lean Methodology for Continuously Improving Performance Behavior

In business, corporate culture, culture, Generis, generis group, Lean manufacturing, manufacturing by GenerisLeave a Comment

The book ‘Performance Behavior’ (by Neil Webers) describes how an organization can link performance to behavior to minimize waste and optimize performance behavior. 8 FORMS OF HUMAN-WASTE  are outlined which obstruct continuous improvement: Leadership-waste the result from too much push-management (based on authority) Comfort-waste the result of targets that aren’t enough stretching Communication-waste the result of misunderstandings that usually originate from meetings Discipline-waste the result when people are not being held accountable for not adhering to standards Goal-waste the result of employees having no idea of what is expected of them Engagement-waste the result of asking people to take responsibility for events or results which they cannot influence themselves Solving-waste the waste of capacity to solve problems when people work on solving problems without focusing on the root-cause of a problem Tuning-waste is the waste where people talk about different problems or solutions Find out more below!

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The TBM Management System

In emerging technology, manufacturer, manufacturing, manufacturing operations, marketing, technology by GenerisLeave a Comment

The TBM Management System is a disciplined, systematic approach that helps organizations achieve their strategic objectives through enterprise-wide alignment and cross-functional problem-solving. The system leverages monthly, weekly, daily, and hourly monitoring to increase employee engagement and provide real-time feedback and corrective actions. As markets grow more competitive and business pressures increase, executives are facing a significant new challenge: how to improve performance, sustain their progress and successfully realize their strategic goals, often with little or no additional resources to support their efforts. Find out more about how the TBM Management System has been implemented in several organizations to date, creating improved visibility of strategic objectives and empowering employees to think and act on their own in order to achieve them. Read more in the full white paper below:

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