The Qt Company‘s latest whitepaper “Qt QML vs HTML5,” explores the results of a test where “one man takes 160 hours to create a demo application of an embedded system using Qt & QML and the same number of hours to create the very equivalent application using HTML5. Discover how he compares the two technologies and shared the findings during the evaluation in terms of – Development comparison between HTML5 vs Qt – Development experience – Performance results – Software management and sustainability.” Download the white paper here. ›
Read More →Are You Forgetting Something In Your Single-Use Strategy?
In your experience, what has the outcome been like when an organization has taken the time to improve its’ single-use strategy? The first thing people sigh in relief about is that there is no danger of breathing in particles and that they are dispersing all over the manufacturing facility. Once the system is closed, there is no longer so much time spent on cleaning and validation. In addition, it helps speed up the process making it so there is one less bottleneck on the road to continuous manufacturing. To learn more about single-use strategy and make sure you are including everything you need, check out the full ebook by ILC Dover below!
Read More →Optimizing Temperature Control for Biopharmaceuticals
This article first appeared in BioPharm International, October 1, Caroline Hroncich Today pharma companies are faced with an ever-changing market that includes increased regulatory challenges, globalization, and heightened competition (1). Biopharma companies are rapidly expanding into emerging markets where there are new opportunities for drug development. Conversely, logistics companies must keep up with the demand, ensuring all storage technology is equipped to retain the safety and efficacy of a drug by the time it reaches the end of its journey. This article by World Courier delves into these relevant industry topics: Common considerations for shipping biopharmaceuticals; Temperature management in extreme climates; Recent advancements; and Looking ahead. Learn more about optimizing temperature control for biopharmaceuticals in the article below!
Read More →Q&A eBook with Bossard: How Will Industry 4.0 Impact Your Supply Chain?
Previously many of these technologies were emerging on their own, but not considered collectively. With a recent push toward an integrated approach, the Internet of Things, the focused effort is much more clear. While efforts are being made to allow technologies to be more interchangeable and data non-exclusive, much of the progress thus far has been disjointed…. This Q&A eBook with Bossard, published by the Generis Group, highlights Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things, full inventory transparency, and more! Bossard creates solutions that enable you to achieve higher productivity while helping you to surface your potential. Connect with Bossard at our American Supply Chain Summit taking place April 24-25th in Orlando, FL. Read the full eBook below:
Read More →eBook: Realistic Simulation for Medical Device Developers
Today, medical device developers use realistic simulation solutions from SIMULIA to accelerate the overall product innovation process, reduce development costs, and improve patient safety and product quality. This Q&A eBook with Dassault Systèmes explores realistic simulation and its massive potential to dramatically transform healthcare. Included is a video where Dr. Steve Levine, of Dassault Systèmes, discusses 3D Design and Collaborative Platforms to Support Digital Health at Generis’ American Medical Device Summit 2016. Check out the eBook and the video below!
Read More →Vision Guided Vehicles Drive Manufacturing Efficiency
Vision guided vehicles are the next generation of AGVs (Automated/Automatic Guided Vehicles). Unlike AGVs, VGVs navigate without wires, lasers, magnets, or tape, using three-dimensional vision navigation instead. Offering cost effective, improved material handling within manufacturing facilities, VGVs are gaining popularity due to their ability to: Improve facility and employee safety. Reduce labor and operating costs. Increase throughput and productivity. To understand how a VGV would actually operate within a facility we asked our friends at Seegrid to share one of their videos of a VGV in action. Seegrid is the pioneer and leader in three-dimensional vision navigation. They provide unique and revolutionary automation technology for materials handling. As the video illustrates, the VGV is first taken through its route in training mode by an operator, once the route has been complete, the VGV is ready to take on the load, unmanned. Take a look at the VGV video below! To find out more about Seegrid, visit the website or join us at the American Manufacturing Summit 2016 and visit Booth #5.
Read More →Whitepaper: Avoid 4 Common Pitfalls of Designing an OpenVPX™ System
OpenVPX is a COTS technology, used in rugged C4ISR designs, which reduces risk, so why are delays and overruns so common during the design phase? There are a number of common pitfalls that, unless avoided, can wreak havoc on OpenVPX designs. Atrenne Integrated Solutions, an organization that has over 40 years of experience in COTS designs for military and aerospace rugged computing, has identified the 4 most common pitfalls in designing an OpenVPX System. These errors and misconceptions can throw off your schedule, overrun your project budget and knock your well-conceived VPX project off the rails.
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