Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories PSS Insourcing Solutions

In automation, cost management, cost reduction, healthcare technology, Life sciences, medical device, medtech, pharmaceutical, testing, workforce by Harshini SrikanthanLeave a Comment

Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories PSS Insourcing Solutions is a program that places a team of experts in the client’s laboratories with access to their quality systems in order to execute a project in the client’s scope of work. By adopting this insourcing approach, organizations are able to benefit from the expertise of an experienced laboratory testing provider, while reducing costs as they continue to keep projects, methods and analytical techniques in-house. With more than a 55-year track record of scientific and laboratory operations expertise, PSS ensures that each team of experts are top quality and selectively chosen for the appropriate project. This in-house approach is preferred by pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies as opposed to hiring temporary staff. Temporary staff solutions result in valuable resources being used for recruitment, training, and managerial purposes, which could be redistributed to another area. Temporary staff also often result in conflicts with long-term needs, European regulations, and strict IRS guidelines. Benefits of insourcing include lower headcount, avoiding high turnover, condensing product development cycles, flexibility and more. PSS’s Insourcing Solutions has grown exponentially, currently, employing more than 1,500 employees, as well as serving clients in 15 countries at more than 70 different sites worldwide. You can find more information on the PSS’s Insourcing solutions in their ebook here. For more information on Eurofins, visit their website here.  

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Averna’s Q&A Ebook: How the Internet of Things is Transforming the Medical Device Industry

In automation, Continuous Improvement, cost management, cost reduction, design, design engineering, emerging technology, healthcare technology, innovation, Internet of Things, IoT, manufacturing operations, medical device, medtech, technology, testing by Jennifer MiraraLeave a Comment

The ‘Internet of Things’ is transforming the medical world, allowing more patients to be looked after using real time data. Combining Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities with current technology is allowing for a faster, more resourceful and satisfying experience for both patients and employees. With the Internet of Things(IoT) reinventing the technological landscape so rapidly, companies are struggling to keep up with the latest innovations. Companies must now test the wireless capabilities of all their medical devices to ensure their products feature seamless connectivity. With more tests being conducted and the rise of IoT, competing companies have introduced robots to automate processes in order to reduce costs. Robotic-driven production has become more economical, as robots can perform routine tasks without fatigue at a faster pace. So, how can OEMs in the medical world stay ahead of their competition with all this technological development? One way is to work with a company that excels at Design for Test (DFT) and design for manufacturing (DFM). Companies can also capture and analyze up-to-date test data. For more ways to stay ahead of the competition despite the constant changes in technology and for a deeper understanding of IoT and its impact on the medical device industry, read Averna’s Q&A Ebook here. Averna is a worldwide Test & Quality leader. Their talented team includes hundreds of engineers, system architects, developers, project managers and other professionals, as well as a network of partners such as National Instruments, Keysight Technologies …

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In business, design, Internet of Things, IoT, product development, system design, technology, testing by Jennifer MiraraLeave a Comment

The Qt Company‘s latest whitepaper “Qt QML vs HTML5,” explores the results of a test where “one man takes 160 hours to create a demo application of an embedded system using Qt & QML and the same number of hours to create the very equivalent application using HTML5. Discover how he compares the two technologies and shared the findings during the evaluation in terms of – Development comparison between HTML5 vs Qt – Development experience – Performance results – Software management and sustainability.” Download the white paper here. › 

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Managing Your Cold Supply Chain to Ensure Your Vaccinations Get to Where They’re Needed Most

In biomanufacturing, Generis, generis group, healthcare technology, innovation, Life sciences, logistics, manufacturing, mfg, pharmaceutical, production efficiency, supply chain, technology, testing by GenerisLeave a Comment

World Courier is transporting Zika diagnostic test kits to and from South America. Companies trust us to transport and store time- and temperature-sensitive products, and the urgent and sensitive Zika diagnostic test kits are no exception! In the midst of concerns, especially for the well-being of athletes, World Courier’s capability and expertise are another reason to have peace of mind. The Zika virus was a huge fear for the 2016 Olympic summer games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In the white paper below, World Courrier explains the process and challenges of transporting Zika tests for the 2016 Olympic games to ensure the safety of the Olympic athletes and those attending. Take a look at the full white paper below!

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Q&A eBook with Advanced Material Solutions: The Importance of Non-destructive Testing in Manufacturing

In manufacturer, manufacturing, manufacturing operations, product development, production efficiency, quality, Quality by design, risk management, safety, testing by GenerisLeave a Comment

Competitive forces are driving unheard-of levels of innovation in product design, materials and lean manufacturing processes. A rigorous and proactive approach to risk containment is essential to protect your brand and bottom line. Today’s non-destructive testing field is comprised of several commonly utilized techniques and several others that aren’t as commonly employed. Each technique has its advantages and limitations. No single method is superior, however, AMS’ expertise lies in the team’s ability to identify and deploy the ideal inspection method for each project at the best overall value. Find out more about non-destructive testing, future-proofing best practices, and financial justification in the Q&A eBook with Advanced Material Solutions below! Join us at the American Manufacturing Summit March 28-29, 2017 in Chicago, IL to hear the President of Advanced Material Solutions, Peter Miller, speak on “Future-Proofing Manufacturing Through Non-destructive Testing.”

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Top Medical Device Industry Regulations—and Why They Matter

In manufacturing, medical device, medtech, Quality System Management, risk management, safety, testing by GenerisLeave a Comment

It’s important to keep up with compliance mandates because the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) keeps a close watch on the medical device industry. If there is an accident involving your devices, it could damage the lives of your patients and the reputation of your company. This article focuses on the most significant FDA quality regulatory programs to be aware of, and tips on how to avoid fines and court action for non-compliance. Read the full article here. For more information about keeping up with regulations, visit The Copley Consulting Group and Infor CloudSuite Industrial for Medical Devices.

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eBook: Avoid Catastrophic Events by Future-Proofing with NDT

In Generis, innovation, manufacturer, manufacturing, risk management, safety, testing by GenerisLeave a Comment

“The automotive industry is in the midst of an unprecedented transformation, including improving safety features. Inspection and quality control are the most important safety tools in today’s business world.” Non-destructive testing has been utilized for more than one hundred years and has come a long way since the early years. For example, today the proactive use of NDT can eliminate non-conforming parts from incoming material streams. By assuming a proactive NDT approach, manufacturers are able to catch nonconformances that aren’t detectable by visual or functional inspections. Our pioneers would be proud. Peter Miller, President of Advanced Material Solutions (AMS), shares his insights on the topic of future-proofing in the manufacturing industry, highlighting four key steps manufacturers should take to approach non-destructive testing in this Q & A with Generis. Check out the eBook below!

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Big Challenges for Testing Today’s Wearable Devices

In compliance, manufacturing, medical device, medtech, product development, testing, wearables by GenerisLeave a Comment

Wearable devices have become a commodity; devices act as fitness and health trackers, work and lifestyle guides as well as medical monitors.  According to The Business Insider the “global wearables market will grow at a compound annual rate of 35% over the next 5 years”.   This growth will bring a range of lifestyle enhancing and potentially life-changing accessories directly to consumers and to the healthcare industry at large.  As the market evolves, developers and manufacturers will find themselves faced with an array of functionalities and processes that need to be rigorously tested in order to ensure consumer satisfaction, safety and regulatory compliance.  Averna, a Test Engineering Leader, generated the whitepaper “High Tech, Will Travel” to outline some of the current and upcoming challenges in testing wearable devices. A brief preview is below, click on the image or link to Download the full whitepaper!   We are thrilled to have Averna join us at the upcoming American Medical Device Summit 2016! To find out more about the summit and join the discussion this October 5-6, visit:

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