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Manufacturing Technology

In interview, IoT, manufacturing, Q&A, technology by Alicia CheungLeave a Comment

Q&A with Contec In March 2019, Contec joined over 250 industry peers to exchange ideas around the impact of market dynamics and new technologies for current and future manufacturing, operations and supply chain leaders. Ryan Legg, VP of Industrial Solutions at Contec Americas, presented on the Strategy. His discussion focused on effective data that can enhance productivity coming from legacy technology; connecting legacy systems to Industry 4.0 deployments; and examples of legacy system connectivity. Ahead of the American Manufacturing Summit 2019, we spoke with Ryan to discuss technology in the manufacturing industry. In this Q&A, we examine Contec’s solutions; how manufacturers can leverage IoT to reduce cost, enhance efficiency and increase bottom line; and what the manufacturing landscape will look like in 5-10 years. Here is an excerpt from the Q&A we did with Ryan Legg: “How can manufacturers leverage IoT to reduce cost, enhance efficiency and increase bottom line? IoT can mean many things to different people. While we use the term IoT – which technically translates to Internet of Things – the concept is really about connectivity and visibility, whether you have a system that is truly connected to the Internet or an on-prem system. Value can be realized with both approaches. Collecting and analyzing data allows an organization to gain visibility where they did not have it before. A manufacturer may discover previously unknown bottlenecks in their process or that throughput is slowing on one particular shift. They …

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How to Set Up a Demand Driven Supply Chain: Moving from Push to Pull to Meet Customer Needs

In interview, manufacturing, Q&A, supply chain, Uncategorized by Alicia CheungLeave a Comment

Q&A with Reveal Value Prior to the American Supply Chain Summit 2019, we spoke with Reveal Value to discuss how companies can set up a demand-driven supply chain and move from push to pull in order to meet customer needs. In this Q&A, we address what steps companies need to take in order to reap the full benefits of a supply chain that is driven by demand, the key benefits of a mature supply chain, and how companies can leverage digitization to stay competitive. This is an excerpt from the Q&A we did with Reveal Value: “How can companies use digitization to stay competitive in an ever-changing landscape? Digitization helps connect processes and applications across multiple functional areas to sense and respond more quickly to customer needs and deliver value that is focused on outcomes. It changes how employees work by using intelligent technologies and reliable data to drive new levels of productivity and efficiency.”

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Generis Leadership Spotlight: Deneen DeFiore, GE Aviation

In CIO, Cybersecurity, interview, IT, leadership, Q&A by Alicia CheungLeave a Comment

Deneen DeFiore currently serves as the Senior Vice President, Chief Information and Product Security Officer for GE Aviation in Cincinnati, Ohio. She is responsible for securing GE Aviation’s business operations, products, information and assets, as well as ensuring global regulatory compliance. Deneen serves as the technical expert and advisor to GE Aviation’s most senior leaders on cyber risk related to products, services and ongoing operations. In May 2019, DeFiore will join IT executives at the American CIO & IT Summit to discuss current trends, strategic insights and best practices in trending technology, cyber-security, risk management and managing talent. She will join other inspirational leaders in IT at the Women in Leadership Roundtable, where the discussion will focus on cybersecurity and data management. We spoke with DeFiore ahead of the American CIO & IT Summit to discuss her career, the changing IT industry, and the advice she gives to young women entering tech. “There are so many more opportunities for women in technology as the scope of tech has expanded. Women in the field are flourishing and doing amazing things.”

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Data Driven Innovation for Manufacturers

In innovation, interview, manufacturing, Q&A, technology by Alicia CheungLeave a Comment

Q&A with ProSensus Prior to the American Manufacturing Summit 2019, we spoke with ProSensus to discuss data-driven innovation and how leveraging technology can give manufacturers a competitive edge in an ever-changing landscape. In this eBook, we discuss how manufacturers can achieve their big data objectives with multivariate analysis, how they can leverage their data to accelerate their product development efforts, and how they can achieve quality control with machine vision. This is an excerpt from the Q&A Generis did with ProSensus:

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Operational Machine Learning Use Cases

In automation, automotive, manufacturing by Alicia CheungLeave a Comment

Falkonry is a leading provider of operational machine learning for industrial companies who are looking to achieve significant improvements in the throughput, quality and yield of their operations. Their ready-to-use machine learning system, Falkonry LRS, enables operations teams to discover patterns hidden in their existing operations data. It also helps apply predictive analytics and receive actionable insights, all without requiring data scientists.

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Digital Transformation, End-to-End Visibility, and the “Data Problem”

In Digital Transformation, supply chain by Cressida MurrayLeave a Comment

Given the macroeconomic climate and the “Amazon effect,” many companies are looking to digitally transform their businesses. For decades, businesses have largely derived efficiency and profitability through scale. This led to a focus on larger store footprints, warehouse space and buffer stock, and the ability to transport goods on mega vessels for unit cost savings. In the last few decades, however, customer expectations have gone up, largely dovetailing off the service that Amazon provides. Retailers and manufacturers have been forced to modernize and deliver with much higher reliability and timeliness. Many executives are now looking to transform their supply chains from a reactive cost-center to a strategic advantage.

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Does Data Help or Hamper Your Ability to Execute Effectively?

In additive manufacturing, automotive, commercialization, Generis, generis group, logistics, manufacturing, supply chain by GenerisLeave a Comment

Winning the game requires you to manage the details in short increment time intervals. For a fast/short cycle time business, if you learned that you missed the day at the end of the day, it’s too late to do much about it. But if you had the ability to measure and address performance in hourly or shorter time frames, there’s time to take action to ensure you meet the day’s goals. To learn more about data-driven daily management, check out this eguide by Dploy Solutions! 

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Nine Ways Manufacturing Analytics Can Improve Your Profitability

In emerging technology, facilities, facility, innovation, manufacturer, manufacturing, manufacturing operations, marketing by GenerisLeave a Comment

If you’re looking for new ways to improve the profitability of your manufacturing business, there might be a resource that you’re not tapping into–data. Many organizations already have data and analytics about equipment, parts, and processes that are not being used to improve the organization. Download the tip sheet by Sight Machine below to find out how to use your manufacturing analytics to improve profitability. Within the sheet below, you’ll learn how to: Reduce unplanned downtime; Diagnose quality problems faster; Reduce the cost of compliance; And more. Find out more below!

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Case Study: How to Get Started with Quality Performance Management

In manufacturer, manufacturing, mfg, Quality Management System, Quality System Management by GenerisLeave a Comment

In an effort to catch quality nonconformances earlier and reduce cost, companies are focused on collecting as much performance data as possible. This data is often leveraged by quality and continuous improvement professionals to derive intelligence. Unfortunately, the conversion from data into intelligence is where many fall short. LNS Research’s recent studies and discussions with industry executives have shown that despite any data collection efforts and technological capabilities, many companies lack a strong performance management foundation for transforming information into something actionable. To gain a better understanding of the foundations of a strong quality performance management program, this report will focus on highlights from the recent LNS Research Global Executive Council meeting. Specifically, readers of this case study will gain insights into the following areas of quality performance management: An overview of Accuride’s quality performance management program Identifying the right metrics for your organization The importance of focusing on both process and product losses An understanding of how much data is required to get started Recommendations and the role of technology in performance management View the full case study below!   

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