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Infographic: 8 Types of Meeting Personalities

In business, corporate culture, cost reduction, Generis, innovation, manufacturing, mfg, workforce by GenerisLeave a Comment

Meeting Misery: Meeting Makeover Edition  This year in Corporate America–that’s your company and mine–we are going waste over $37 Billion attending meetings. It is well documented that meetings are a source of pain and great frustration due to high levels of inefficiency and ineffectiveness. Over the last 25 years, we have identified the eight most common meeting personalities that create this Meeting Misery! Find out more about the 8 types of meeting personalities below. Competitive Solutions, Inc. has a three step Meeting Makeover Solution to be applied to a single team, a specific department, or an entire organization. Find out how to get these 8 personalities out of your meetings, and end your meeting misery today! Shane Yount, Principal & Author at Competitive Solutions, will also be speaking on Business Bootcamp – Driving Greater Execution, Engagement, And Ultimately, Earnings! at our Amerian Manufacturing Summit taking place March 28-29th in Chicago, IL. View the full infographic below!

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Infographic: A Strong S&OP / IBP Process is Designed to Reduce Costs While Growing the Top Line

In business, Generis, manufacturer, manufacturing, manufacturing operations, marketing, technology by GenerisLeave a Comment

This infographic by the Aberdeen Group and the TBM Consulting Group outlines the top business pressures facing sales and operations planning and integrated business planning (S&OP/INP) process. S&OP/IBP Users have superior customer service, cash-to-cash cycle, and forecast accuracy, driven by the effective measurement of their process and strategic actions. These improvements move them from predicting results toward a prescriptive approach, allowing them to manage their costs while growing their top line. View the full infographic and read the report on this topic below!

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Infographic: Top 5 Advantages of Operating Your Business in Mexico

In facilities, facility, manufacturer, manufacturing, manufacturing operations, mfg, offshoring by GenerisLeave a Comment

There are many advantages when looking to run your business in Mexico, as there is no red tape, no hidden costs, no incorporation needed, and a large, experienced group of executive, managers, engineers, and supervisors trained by foreign companies. This infographic delves into the top 5 advantages and shows you why Mexico is a great option for businesses in North America. Intermex has been part of the success of over 200 multi-national companies manufacturing and distributing in Mexico. The process of combining foreign capital and technology with Mexican labor, industrial facilities,  and community, has been Intermex’s core value for 40 years. Intermex provides a competitive edge for success and profitability of your operations in Mexico. Find more about Intermex here.

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Infographic: Respiratory Concerns with Welding

In Generis, generis group, industrial, innovation, mfg, Quality System Management, risk management, safety by GenerisLeave a Comment

Capturing dust and fumes generated during welding presents a unique challenge, and, unfortunately, there are many health problems that can be caused by an overexposure to welding fumes. Though capturing dust and fumes is a challenge, it is important to have a safe dust collection system to rid your work environment of these harmful pollutants. Still not convinced that air pollution control is important? Check out the Camfil infographic below to explore the top 5 respiratory concerns associated with welding, followed by a solution that works. Hear more from Camfil by joining the discussion at the American Automotive Summit on November 10-11 in Detroit.

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