Averna’s Q&A Ebook: How the Internet of Things is Transforming the Medical Device Industry

In automation, Continuous Improvement, cost management, cost reduction, design, design engineering, emerging technology, healthcare technology, innovation, Internet of Things, IoT, manufacturing operations, medical device, medtech, technology, testing by Jennifer MiraraLeave a Comment

The ‘Internet of Things’ is transforming the medical world, allowing more patients to be looked after using real time data. Combining Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities with current technology is allowing for a faster, more resourceful and satisfying experience for both patients and employees. With the Internet of Things(IoT) reinventing the technological landscape so rapidly, companies are struggling to keep up with the latest innovations. Companies must now test the wireless capabilities of all their medical devices to ensure their products feature seamless connectivity. With more tests being conducted and the rise of IoT, competing companies have introduced robots to automate processes in order to reduce costs. Robotic-driven production has become more economical, as robots can perform routine tasks without fatigue at a faster pace. So, how can OEMs in the medical world stay ahead of their competition with all this technological development? One way is to work with a company that excels at Design for Test (DFT) and design for manufacturing (DFM). Companies can also capture and analyze up-to-date test data. For more ways to stay ahead of the competition despite the constant changes in technology and for a deeper understanding of IoT and its impact on the medical device industry, read Averna’s Q&A Ebook here. Averna is a worldwide Test & Quality leader. Their talented team includes hundreds of engineers, system architects, developers, project managers and other professionals, as well as a network of partners such as National Instruments, Keysight Technologies …

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Cost-Effective Range of 48-Hour Pre-Qualified Temperature Controlled Shippers

In biotechnology, Generis, generis group, healthcare technology, Life sciences, manufacturing, manufacturing operations, medical device, pharmaceutical by GenerisLeave a Comment

Using just three types of refrigerants and four shippers to create 12 solutions, the Certis® 2-Day Platform maximizes the number of solutions while minimizing the number of components. The new platform is sized to accommodate 7, 13, 27 and 56 liters of product. Each of the new solutions feature a year round pack-out designed for use in both hot and cold seasons. To learn more about qualified temperature controlled shippers, check out this article by Sonoco!

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How Medical Device Manufacturers Can Optimize Quality, Lower Costs, and Increase Efficiency

In emerging technology, Generis, healthcare technology, innovation, Lean manufacturing, Life sciences, manufacturing, medical device, medtech, mfg, product development, production efficiency, Quality by design, risk management by GenerisLeave a Comment

Medical device manufacturing has minimal tolerance for error—and quality is of the utmost importance. If your products don’t deliver what you promise, lives can be at stake. At the same time, product returns erode your profit margins, while customer satisfaction can make—or break—your reputation. For companies with unique patented products, meeting demand puts added pressure on every stage of your supply chain. This white paper by the Copley Consulting Group explains how you can make a commitment to lean processes while raising your quality standards, improving efficiency, and driving down costs. It’s important to create efficiencies in your manufacturing processes, but this often involves taking small incremental steps. Find out more about educating your organization about these opportunities, driving down costs, and systematically removing waste and uneven workloads from your manufacturing processes below:

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Top Medical Device Industry Regulations—and Why They Matter

In manufacturing, medical device, medtech, Quality System Management, risk management, safety, testing by GenerisLeave a Comment

It’s important to keep up with compliance mandates because the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) keeps a close watch on the medical device industry. If there is an accident involving your devices, it could damage the lives of your patients and the reputation of your company. This article focuses on the most significant FDA quality regulatory programs to be aware of, and tips on how to avoid fines and court action for non-compliance. Read the full article here. For more information about keeping up with regulations, visit The Copley Consulting Group and Infor CloudSuite Industrial for Medical Devices.

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Aerospace & Defense: Failure Here is Not an Option

In additive manufacturing, aerospace, innovation, manufacturer, manufacturing, manufacturing operations, technology by GenerisLeave a Comment

About Eltek Eltek, a Nistec company, is a leading provider of complex Rigid and Flex-Rigid Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). Established in 1970, Eltek (NASDAQ: ELTK) is an ISO-9100, NADCAP and ITAR certified, high technology printed circuit board manufacturer. Eltek specializes in quick turn prototypes and medium production. With its 380 employees, Eltek turns dreams into a reality for a broad range of companies with regard to communication, medical, military, security, industrial, vehicle, and more. The Eltek Way To Success Focus on value added engineering methods. Search for and use advanced based material. Continuously invest in state of the art equipment and manufacturing techniques. Implement state-of-art technologies as a derivative of the market requirements. Share with our accumulated engineering knowledge. Become your vendor of choice. James M. Barry: President Eltek USA Inc. Join James M. Barry at a Lunch & Learn Round-Table Discussion at our American Aerospace & Defense Summit, 2016, taking place December 6-7th in Scottsdale, AZ. James’s presentation will focus on Early Design Involvement for Maximum First Pass Yields Utilising “Complex Rigidflex Technology.” 

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Maetrics: The ROI of Good Quality & Compliance

In manufacturing, medical device, medtech, mfg, Quality Management System by GenerisLeave a Comment

On October 5th, 2016 at the American Medical Device Summit in Chicago, Generis welcomed Maetrics to the speaker panel on Day One. Ed Roach, the Managing Director of Maetrics, focused his presentation on four main objectives being: Ideas on how to quantify the costs of quality for investment justification Understanding indirect or potential costs of quality and compliance including Examining FDA’s recent and future approach to Medical Devices The Potential Impacts of FDA’s approach to Medical Devices Understand the Benefits of a Proactive Quality System Benchmarking – Good Investments in Quality and Compliance To view the full presentation online, click here. Panel Speaker: Ed Roach, Managing Director of Maetrics Ed Roach brings nearly 20 years of experience in the life sciences industry to the panel while adding his wealth of knowledge on Quality Systems and Quality Assurance, Validation, Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPS), Root Cause Investigation, Change Management, and 483/Warning Letter Remediation to the American Medical Device Summit. Generis is thrilled that Maetrics will be returning to Chicago for the American Medical Device Summit on October 4th and 5th in 2017. For more information on Generis or our American Medical Device Summit taking place in 2017, please, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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