The Quality 4.0 Impact and Strategy Handbook

In Industry 4.0, manufacturing, quality, Quality Management System by Cressida MurrayLeave a Comment

The most recent decade has seen rapid advances in connectivity, mobility, analytics, scalability, and data, spawning what has been called the fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0. This fourth industrial revolution has digitalized operations and resulted in transformations in manufacturing efficiency, supply chain performance, product innovation, and in some cases enabled entirely new business models. This transformation should be top of mind for quality leaders, as quality improvement and monitoring are among the top use cases for Industry 4.0. Quality 4.0 is closely aligning quality management with Industry 4.0 to enable enterprise efficiencies, performance, innovation and business models. However, much of the market isn’t focusing on Quality 4.0, since many quality teams are still trying to solve yesterday’s problems: inefficiency caused by fragmented systems, manual metrics calculations, quality teams independently performing quality work with minimal cross-functional ownership, and ineffective supplier communication, among others.

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New Year’s Resolutions: Create Successful Teams and a Sound Strategy

In business, corporate culture, culture, skills gap, talent, workforce by Cressida MurrayLeave a Comment

Dan Key, SVP, Operations & Supply Chain at Axalta Coating Systems spends a lot of time analyzing successful teams and how they win. He has found that many of them have similar characteristics. They have a system, they hire people that fit that system, and they develop that system over time. They mix A+ players with a lot of B players that know their role in the organization. They’re not afraid to let people go (not even the A+ talent), but rather see it as an opportunity to change and improve. They define a sound strategy that everyone on the team can understand. As we make our New Year’s resolutions to improve our organizations in 2018, consider some of Key’s tips to creating successful teams and a sound strategy.

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Are You Forgetting Something In Your Single-Use Strategy?

In biomanufacturing, biotechnology, Generis, generis group, innovation, manufacturer, manufacturing, manufacturing operations, system design by GenerisLeave a Comment

In your experience, what has the outcome been like when an organization has taken the time to improve its’ single-use strategy? The first thing people sigh in relief about is that there is no danger of breathing in particles and that they are dispersing all over the manufacturing facility. Once the system is closed, there is no longer so much time spent on cleaning and validation. In addition, it helps speed up the process making it so there is one less bottleneck on the road to continuous manufacturing. To learn more about single-use strategy and make sure you are including everything you need, check out the full ebook by ILC Dover below! 

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ESCO® Corporation Improves Companywide Metrics Visibility and Accountability Using Dploy® Solutions

In business, emerging technology, Generis, manufacturer, manufacturing, mfg, technology by GenerisLeave a Comment

Even for small manufacturers, effectively capturing and using key performance indicators (KPIs) to take corrective actions can be difficult. But when a global company using a mix of manual, spreadsheet-based processes adds new acquisitions to the mix, the process challenges quickly compound. That’s part of the reason why in 2012 the team at ESCO Corporation knew it needed a better way to track and analyze KPIs across existing locations and new acquisitions. This article explains how your team can benefit from using Dploy® Solutions and increase your visibility while helping to summarize and monitor strategies and resources. For more information, read the full article below!

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Building a Fit-To-Win Organisation

In EFESO, manufacturer, manufacturing, manufacturing operations, marketing, mfg, operational excellence by GenerisLeave a Comment

Despite having spent years and countless millions on optimising their operations, 61% of companies (according to the Economist’s Intelligence Unit) find themselves frustrated with the same problem. They have difficulty executing short and mid-term strategy and fail to reach their strategic objectives because of gaps in their organisation. This whitepaper by EFESO Consulting focuses on how to build a fit-to-win organisation focusing on the parallels between corporate fitness and human fitness. Learn “6 Holistic Steps to a Fit-To-Win Organisation” and start the journey to greater stamina, strength, and agility. To view the full whitepaper, click here.  

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The TBM Management System

In emerging technology, manufacturer, manufacturing, manufacturing operations, marketing, technology by GenerisLeave a Comment

The TBM Management System is a disciplined, systematic approach that helps organizations achieve their strategic objectives through enterprise-wide alignment and cross-functional problem-solving. The system leverages monthly, weekly, daily, and hourly monitoring to increase employee engagement and provide real-time feedback and corrective actions. As markets grow more competitive and business pressures increase, executives are facing a significant new challenge: how to improve performance, sustain their progress and successfully realize their strategic goals, often with little or no additional resources to support their efforts. Find out more about how the TBM Management System has been implemented in several organizations to date, creating improved visibility of strategic objectives and empowering employees to think and act on their own in order to achieve them. Read more in the full white paper below:

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