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Optimizing Temperature Control for Biopharmaceuticals

In biomanufacturing, biotechnology, Generis, industrial markets, innovation, Life sciences, logistics, manufacturer, manufacturing, mfg, pharmaceutical, quality, Quality by design, risk management, safety, supply chain, system design, technology by GenerisLeave a Comment

This article first appeared in BioPharm International, October 1, Caroline Hroncich Today pharma companies are faced with an ever-changing market that includes increased regulatory challenges, globalization, and heightened competition (1). Biopharma companies are rapidly expanding into emerging markets where there are new opportunities for drug development. Conversely, logistics companies must keep up with the demand, ensuring all storage technology is equipped to retain the safety and efficacy of a drug by the time it reaches the end of its journey. This article by World Courier delves into these relevant industry topics: Common considerations for shipping biopharmaceuticals; Temperature management in extreme climates; Recent advancements; and Looking ahead. Learn more about optimizing temperature control for biopharmaceuticals in the article below!  

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Word Press: Five Considerations When Justifying an Investment in ERP

In automation, Gemba, manufacturer, manufacturing, marketing, mfg, technology, workforce by GenerisLeave a Comment

Organizations entering into an ERP project begin their journey by making a business case for ERP. The effort involves determining an expected return on investment, anticipating total costs and fully documenting the business case for investing in a new or upgraded system. This can’t-miss paper makes the case that it is critical to document the business reasons for an investment in ERP. You’ll see the reasons to calculate the expected value to offset the cost. Identifying risk is part of the process, as is putting in plans to mitigate risk. This white paper by Ultra Consultants will identify five considerations to keep in mind when justifying an investment in ERP leveraging Ultra Consultants’ experience in helping manufacturers with this process. View the full white paper below!

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An Interview with Bill Remy, Chairman and CEO, TBM Consulting Group

In automation, business, manufacturing, quality, technology by GenerisLeave a Comment

Bill Remy is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at TBM Consulting and a member of the Board of Directors. He has 30plus years of leadership experience in general management and manufacturing operations. Bill’s areas of expertise include operational performance improvement through LeanSigma deployment in manufacturing operations, supply chain, product development and project management. He has experience in a broad array of business leadership positions across various industries including aerospace and defense, railway, industrial and agricultural equipment, technology and process automation. Bill returned to TBM in the summer of 2011 after working at Invensys as Vice President, Continuous Improvement. Prior to Invensys, Bill led the initiative Bill returned to TBM in the summer of 2011 after working at Invensys as Vice President, Continuous Improvement. Prior to Invensys, Bill led the initiative. This Q&A eBook with Bill Remy will touch on the ways that technology is transforming the manufacturing and supply chain industries, lean manufacturing, technology investments, and best practices for manufacturing managers. Read the full eBook below!  

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Novel Single-Use Systems Allow Faster Powder Transfer and Higher Recovery Rates

In biomanufacturing, biotechnology, design, Generis, manufacturing, mfg, quality by GenerisLeave a Comment

Single use powder containment practices are still in their infancy but keeping your product from cross contamination and reducing airborne particulates is important. Understanding how more modern bag designs can increase safety and speed is a concern to the industry. We looked at the ease of fill along with dispensing times and product loss. ILC Dover’s EZ-Biopac shows a 71% decrease in filling times when measured against an industry standard 2D bag. Due to the non-static film we saw an almost 20% reduction in powder discharge times. In addition, it demonstrates a 33.3% improvement in powder recovery showing reduced waste. Choosing the proper containment system can have a significant impact on plant productivity and profitability. This case study by ILC Dover will delve into: the issues of powder handling; the keys to efficient powder transfer and containment; evaluating potential systems; results; and discharge trials. Find out more about ILC Dover’s EZ-Biopac below!

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Q&A eBook with Bossard: How Will Industry 4.0 Impact Your Supply Chain?

In innovation, Internet of Things, logistics, manufacturer, manufacturing, manufacturing operations, marketing, Q&A, quality, system design, technology by GenerisLeave a Comment

Previously many of these technologies were emerging on their own, but not considered collectively. With a recent push toward an integrated approach, the Internet of Things, the focused effort is much more clear. While efforts are being made to allow technologies to be more interchangeable and data non-exclusive, much of the progress thus far has been disjointed…. This Q&A eBook with Bossard, published by the Generis Group, highlights Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things, full inventory transparency, and more! Bossard creates solutions that enable you to achieve higher productivity while helping you to surface your potential. Connect with Bossard at our American Supply Chain Summit taking place April 24-25th in Orlando, FL. Read the full eBook below:

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QReview: Supply Chain News You Can Use

In cost management, cost reduction, culture, facility, innovation, manufacturer, manufacturing, manufacturing operations, mfg, quality, value chain by GenerisLeave a Comment

Transportation Impact, a 4-time Inc. 5000 company, comes from humble beginnings. In 2008, Keith Byrd and Travis Burt, both then senior-level managers at UPS, left the world’s largest shipping company after nearly two decades, respectively, to launch their own start-up with the mission of providing clients with the most competitive small package contracts in the country. The QReview is a magazine that highlights Transportation Impact’s Quarterly Review learnings and is filled with supply chain news that delves into specific strategies, statistics, and stories relevant to the supply chain industry. Take a look inside and find out how to overcome market challenges, look for optimization opportunities, and more below! Subscribe to QReview here. 

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Nine Ways Manufacturing Analytics Can Improve Your Profitability

In emerging technology, facilities, facility, innovation, manufacturer, manufacturing, manufacturing operations, marketing by GenerisLeave a Comment

If you’re looking for new ways to improve the profitability of your manufacturing business, there might be a resource that you’re not tapping into–data. Many organizations already have data and analytics about equipment, parts, and processes that are not being used to improve the organization. Download the tip sheet by Sight Machine below to find out how to use your manufacturing analytics to improve profitability. Within the sheet below, you’ll learn how to: Reduce unplanned downtime; Diagnose quality problems faster; Reduce the cost of compliance; And more. Find out more below!

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Automation Today

In automation, design, design engineering, facility, machined parts, manufacturer, manufacturing, manufacturing operations, marketing, technology, workforce by GenerisLeave a Comment

As manufacturers struggle to fill highly skilled production positions—according to NAM (National Association of Manufacturers), “80 percent of manufacturers report a moderate or serious shortage of qualified applicants for skilled and highly skilled production positions”—technology may need to step in to fill the gap. As the article “Automation Today” by FARO Technologies states: “It’s no secret that manufacturing continues to become more automated, and manufacturing output per worker is on the rise.” Smart factories are sought after because they are quickly becoming the “factories of the future,” while growing changes in automation become difficult to ignore. Find out more about the latest advancements in optical 3D measurement and automation technology in the article below including: Advanced Manufacturing; Automated Metrology; and Cobalt.

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Infographic: 8 Types of Meeting Personalities

In business, corporate culture, cost reduction, Generis, innovation, manufacturing, mfg, workforce by GenerisLeave a Comment

Meeting Misery: Meeting Makeover Edition  This year in Corporate America–that’s your company and mine–we are going waste over $37 Billion attending meetings. It is well documented that meetings are a source of pain and great frustration due to high levels of inefficiency and ineffectiveness. Over the last 25 years, we have identified the eight most common meeting personalities that create this Meeting Misery! Find out more about the 8 types of meeting personalities below. Competitive Solutions, Inc. has a three step Meeting Makeover Solution to be applied to a single team, a specific department, or an entire organization. Find out how to get these 8 personalities out of your meetings, and end your meeting misery today! Shane Yount, Principal & Author at Competitive Solutions, will also be speaking on Business Bootcamp – Driving Greater Execution, Engagement, And Ultimately, Earnings! at our Amerian Manufacturing Summit taking place March 28-29th in Chicago, IL. View the full infographic below!

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Making Sense of IIoT Analytics

In Internet of Things, IoT, manufacturer, manufacturing, mfg, technology by GenerisLeave a Comment

Making Sense of IIoT Analytics | Automation World As the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) picks up steam, attention is pivoting from connectivity to analytics, flooding manufacturers with a wave of new offerings that all promise to facilitate real business change. In the article below, find out how Sight Machine is integrating and visualizing data throughout the manufacturing industry. Sight Machine’s CEO and co-founder, Jon Sobel, explains that the company has created an automated intake process that refines data from incompatible factory floor systems and contextualizes it for subsequent analytics. Read the full article below to find out more!    

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